If there’s a way to detect when the character is stuck and unable to move?

Hello, I tried using the method you mentioned to determine if a point is reachable, but sometimes it still ends up on the edge, preventing the movement from being completed. I would like to ask if there’s a way to detect when the character is stuck and unable to move? I want to use this method to find another point to move to when this happens.


Hey there, I’d love to take a look at this and see what I can find. Can you tell where you say the “method mentioned”? Was that in the documentation? If so let me know so I can follow along more closely.

I’m wondering if it’s possible to write a little code to detect when they should be moving, but aren’t, and then use that (maybe with a timer?) to unstuck them.

However, there may be a better solution in A* itself. Let me know where you found the example to determine a reachable point, and I can see what options might be available :slight_smile:

You can use PathUtilities - A* Pathfinding Project for that