I cant see the grid graph, tried everything and i still cant see it, i have enabled show graph as well

Please help :frowning:
I cant see the grid graph, tried everything and i still cant see it, i have enabled show graph as well


Do you have any more details?

Do you have gizmos enabled in the scene view?

I found the problem, the call to DrawGizmos in the plugin seems to be related to the URP RendererFeature. Our side wrote a lot of custom RendererFeatures, which seemed to cause our plugin’s DrawGizmos to stop calling. I created a default RendererData and set the scene camera renderer to the default and the grid graph in the scene is displayed again. But I’m sorry that I don’t know this part very well, so I can’t give specific details, only know that it should be caused by this.

In addition, they found a new method to quickly solve the problem of non-display, turn off the PostProcessing in the Scene to display normally.

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