How to make sure GetNearest doesnt return node with untraverable tag?

I have both colliders and tags in my game, for example the water is set as an untraversable tag for my units. I think this is related to the Constraints parameter, but I cannot figure out how to properly set it up.

But for some reason, this code can return a position that is in the water:

I find a random position inside a radius, then try to get the nearest walkable node, where path is possible, using these methods:

public static GraphNode GetNearestWalkableNode(Vector3 origin)
        return, NNConstraint.Default).node;

    public static bool IsPathPossible(Vector3 origin, Vector3 destination)
        GraphNode destinationNode =;
        if (!destinationNode.Walkable)
            return false;

        GraphNode originNode =;

        return PathUtilities.IsPathPossible(originNode, destinationNode);

Should this code not respect tags set to untraversable? Do I need to add something more?

The full code I use to set destination is below, might be useful:

private bool TrySetTarget()
            int retries = 0;

            destination = Utils_GPS.GenerateRandomPoint(ai.originUsedForWander, Random.Range(minDistance, maxDistance));
            destination = NavigationManager.GetNearestWalkablePosition(destination);

            while (!NavigationManager.IsPathPossible(transform.position, destination) && retries < 100)
                destination = Utils_GPS.GenerateRandomPoint(ai.originUsedForWander, Random.Range(minDistance, maxDistance));
                destination = NavigationManager.GetNearestWalkablePosition(destination);

            ai.SetDestination(destination, null);
            return true;

Solved by adding tag constraints :slight_smile:

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