In Unity native NavMeshAgent, when the agent has been block by other agent or obstacle. it will try to move forward directly. (Blue Arrow in Video)
but in A* Pathfinding Project. the agent will try to move around a lot to avoid each other. which in my game i do not want them do that behavior. (Pink Arrow in Video)
the RichAI have a property called Stop when destination is crowded
that behavior is work for my game. but unfortunately, i can’t set the destination to the wall.
when the agent was created , the destination has been set to command center (the main building). so they all run to attack it. when they reach the wall , they will stop to attack the wall, but those agent not attack at wall still think the command center is the destination.
i try to set
RVO Controller
Agent Time Horizon = 0
Obstacle Time Horizon = 0
flowFollowingStrength = 1
none of them work.
so how can i do that? thanks.