How to create GraphUpdateScene areas

Hey there, I cannot create GraphUpdateScene points/areas by shift clicking in the scene. Does this work for 2D games? I have a node based graph in a top down 2D game. I just want to designate areas as paths so that the pathfinding will prefer those nodes. I can create points manually by entering them in the GraphUpdateScene inspector. I tried shift clicking with the move tool selected but no luck. Any tips? I am confused as to how Unity knows the context of my clicking refers to the specific GraphUpdateScene component. I assume I need to select the game object with this component before making areas? Any ideas?

Hello. It’s written here how to do it.
Graph Updates during Runtime - A* Pathfinding Project.

In 2D, this is easily done through the event systems.When hovering over an object, the function should work. In this function, you need to check for a shift click.
But I just came up with it, I didn’t do it that way. :laughing:

Hi, I got it working once (not sure what I did differently). But when I changed scenes it no longer worked. Then I went back to the scene where I had it working I could no longer make it work. Shift clicking does nothing. No idea how I got it working before. Really don’t think I’m doing anything differently…I just select the object with the GraphUpdateScene component and make sure the move tool is selected and shift click but nothing happens. One thing I did have to do was rotate the GraphUpdateScene object -90 degrees on the x-axis because my game is 2d on the x-y axis. But really frustrating that I can’t get this simple thing to work.

Make a video of what you can’t. But I can’t give you a hint, I haven’t worked with such a component yet.

I can get it to work in a new project in 3d mode (in the scene). But there must be something in my project that is interfering for some reason and not allowing me to do it.

If I create a new blank scene in my project I still cannot get it to work. With a new blank scene in a new project with the same unity editor version it works. In my project where it’s not working (can’t place points by shift clicking), if I add points manually in the inspector I am not able to select them in the scene and move them. Everything seems to be the same setup. Any help please?

Here are screenshots - first is not working - I cannot add points with shift-click and I cannot move the points after I added them manually in the GraphSceneUpdate Component inspector.

Here is the working scene (new project blank scene). I can add points with shift clicking in the scene and can move them in the scene by clicking on them as you see here.

I figured it out (sorta). If I ‘refresh’ the editor scene view by changing layouts (very top-right button in the editor) then it will start receiving the shift-clicks and I can place points. Sometimes it gets lost again and I have to ‘refresh’ the scene view again by toggling the layout again. It’s a bit annoying and I wish there was an easier way to make the area since the points can get twisted so easily with a complex shape. But it works!