Hi aron,Few questions here before purchase

I m working with a openworld game like ark or the sims4,so player can build constructions in the runtime like wall/pillar/door/foor/stairs…
with my learned about a* pro’s documentation,i could use grid map for the game,but each of my map’s size is more than 2000*2000,so i don’t think this is a good solution
and then the only way is navmesh,but i don’t know does the bake performance enough for my game.is there any aysnc bake api?both in other threads or split large cpu work to each frames are ok,only one I want is keep fps when player build,I don’t mind the pathfind ai wait for a while until bake successful,only one thing is do not stuck the graph in one frame.
thanks aron,and sorry for my stupid English.


2000x2000 will definitely be too big for a grid graph.

A recast graph can work, and graph updates are asynchronous by default. Try the beta, the update performance is even better in the beta version.