Having trouble installing A* Pathfinding Project 4.3.79 (Beta)

Hey there. I purchased the asset through the Asset Store and was able to add the package to my scoped registries, the problem is that every time I install it, I get the following error.

“error CS0006: Metadata file ‘Library/PackageCache/com.unity.ext.nunit@2.0.3/net35/unity-custom/nunit.framework.dll’ could not be found”

The error disappears after restarting Unity, but none of the A* Project scripts are able to be found by Unity. I can’t add components or include its namespaces in other scripts.

Any tips? I am on Unity 2022.3.6f1.

I encountered this error once, solving it by deleting the directory /Library and then open unity.

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Library within the project folder itself or somewhere else?

EDIT: Oh, that seems to have done it. Thanks a bunch :slight_smile:

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Ditto here. Deleting PackageCache wasn’t enough—had to clear the entire Library and restart the editor. What a hellscape we live in.

Yeah :confused: Unity is not great at keeping that up to date :confused:

Well I tried with 4.3.82 and luckily, while this error got thrown at me, it fixed itself after a reset as opposed to needing to delete the Library folder.