GraphUpdatePRocessor interrupts device debug every time

Hello there, every time I debug on the device attached to Rider this thing happens:
Captura de pantalla 2022-03-02 a las 14.52.22

Its like an invisible interruption point is set, although I never put anything there. But every x seconds, my debugger stops in that point making really hard to debug.

Is this any problem by the code? why is stopping there if I didnt set any interruption point?
I attach also the information the Parallel stacks windows shows:

Any help would be appreciated.


That’s weird. Waiting on a handle shouldn’t cause the debugger to pause unless you have some specific settings for that. That code has been in this package for many years and I haven’t heard of anyone with the same issue. Are you sure there are no debugger settings you could tweak?

I didn’t modify the defaults but I will search in settings just in case. Ill let you know