Hi, i]m using a* 4.0.10 in Unity 5.6.1p3 and the Graph Update Scene Shif+Alt+click not working to remove dots. I´ve tried in 2d and in 3d viewn. What am i doing worng?
Thank you very mutch and sorry for my bad english.
Do you have the ‘Move’ tool selected?
Yes, when i keep pressed the Shift button, the selected icon still the Move Tool…
But when i keep pressed Shift+Alt(left) buttons, the icon selected chage to Eye (Rotate Camera) and the click don’t remove the points.
When i keep pressed Shift(left or right)+Alt(right) buttons, the icon selected chage to Hand (Pan Camera) and the click don’t remove the points too.
Odd… I will have to debug this. Perhaps it is something specific to Windows.
In the mean time you can open the ‘points’ array in the inspector and right click on the elements there to bring up a context menu which will allow you to remove specific points.
Thank you very mutch. It works!
@aron_granberg Old thread but I’m experiencing the exact same problem today so i figured it’s better to resurect this one then to start a new one.
Just downloaded the free A* package today and imported it to a new project in Unity 2019.4.15f
I can add new points, and I can move existing points. But I can’t remove points unless I use the workaround given above.
I’m using the scene “Example9_Penalties”. At first I couldn’t add or move points either, but clicking “Disable legacy mode” solved that. But I still can’t remove points.
Running Unity on Windows 10.
If this is indeed a bug it should be easy to recreate by simple opening Example9_Penalities, disabling legacy mode, and try to delete a point using shift+alt click.
If the error can’t be recreated I’m grateful for any ideas on what settings or Unity versions to try in order to solve it.
Couldn’t help myself from looking a bit closer at this.
For some reason HandleUtility.nearestControl always returns 0 if shift+alt is pressed (or shift+control).
This feels like a windows related bug in Unity, although it seems odd if only 2 persons are affected
Anyway, since selecting points works fine I just added a key binding to do the deletion. That makes workflow a bit easier and might be a nice addition to future versions.
For anyone else interested in this quick fix just add the following to the OnSceneGUI() part of GraphUpdateSceneEditor.cs:
if (Event.current.type == EventType.KeyDown && Event.current.keyCode == KeyCode.Backspace && selectedPoint >= 0 && selectedPoint < points.Count)
Undo.RecordObject(script, "Removed Point");
var arr = new List<Vector3>(script.points);
script.points = arr.ToArray();
GUI.changed = true;