Funnel.SplitIntoParts throws exception occasionally if NodeLink2 is disabled

I’ve been seeing very occasional errors when my agent is traversing a NodeLink2 if the link is disabled apparently in the middle of a path recalculation. It’s tricky to reproduce reliably, since it seems to only occur under very specific circumstances.

However, it seems to occur if I call _seeker.StartPath, then I disable a NodeLink2, then in the OnPathDelegate method, I call Apply on any path modifiers. The error is being throw by the Funnel modifier:

Pathfinding.Funnel.SplitIntoParts (Pathfinding.Path path) (at :0)
Pathfinding.FunnelModifier.Apply (Pathfinding.Path p) (at :0)
GraviaSoftware.Gravia.Code.Controllers.AI.Navigation.Pathfinders.AIPathfinderController.RawPathComplete (Pathfinding.Path path) (at <43a3cfb1d4204385b7832139bb25e871>:0)
Pathfinding.Seeker.OnPathComplete (Pathfinding.Path p, System.Boolean runModifiers, System.Boolean sendCallbacks) (at :0)
Pathfinding.Seeker.OnPathComplete (Pathfinding.Path path) (at :0)
Pathfinding.Path.ReturnPath () (at :0)
Pathfinding.Path.Pathfinding.IPathInternals.ReturnPath () (at :0)
Pathfinding.PathReturnQueue.ReturnPaths (System.Boolean timeSlice) (at :0)
AstarPath.PerformBlockingActions (System.Boolean force) (at :0)
AstarPath.Update () (at :0)

And here’s the code I’m calling for OnPathDeletgate:

        private void RawPathComplete(Path path)

            // It's possible to chain together modifiers. For example, a Funnel Modifier followed by a Radius Modifier.
            if (PathModifiers != null)
                foreach (var modifier in PathModifiers)

This seems to occur because NodeLink2 objects remove themselves from their “reference” dictionary when the link is disabled, and Funnel.SplitIntoParts will throw an exception if NodeLink2.GetNodeLink(nodes[i]) returns null.

I have some NodeLink2s in my game that are one-time use. After it has been used, I disable it. It can also be disabled for arbitrary reasons, such as something else blowing it up. So for that reason, I don’t have a lot of control over when a NodeLink2 might get destroyed. Is there some way to harden the Funnel modifier to tolerate a a NodeLink2 having been disabled some time after the path was computed?

There’s a fairly easy way to reproduce this:

  • Wait for an agent to start heading for a NodeLink2 that it intends to use.
  • In the RawPathComplete method I posted above (the OnPathDelegate callback), find all NodeLink2 in the scene and set .enabled = false.
  • Now the call to Apply on the modifier will fail.

That sounds a bit artificial, but what seems to be happening for me is that a path is computed that includes a NodeLink2. However, before my OnPathDelegate callback is called, other code of mine is disabling a NodeLink2. The result is the Funnel modifier failing.

Is there a safer way to disable NodeLink2 entries to avoid this?