Follower Entity UpdateRotation Problem

Hi, I just Upgraded Version 5.1.4.
I tested with 2 object and first one is start with disabled object and second one is enabled object.
Rotation Sync is Rotate independently of transform.
If I start object with enable, it works.
But if I start object with disable and on it, it rotates.
Should I change something?

Before update, I added updaterotation= false in followerentity script’s onenable.

Thank you.

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Sorry, I don’t understand what you mean by this sentence? Could you elaborate?

When an object is deactivated and then reactivated, it rotates 90 degrees.

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I met similar issue when I tried to integrate FollowerEntity with Poolling.
The situation is “The agent was preloaded(disabled) at (0, 0, 0) first and was enabled at (?, ?, ?) when it was needed. It rotated althrough I set Rotation Sync to Independently”.

I had to used the code below to fix it:
protected void OnEnable()
transform.localEulerAngles =;
m_FollowerEntity.updateRotation = false;


Thanks. I have found the issue. A fix will be included in the next update.

When will next update be?

Within in a week, I think.

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Thank you! I just tested it and it works well!!