Exception: Could not remove RecastMeshObj from tree

I get this exception error when I stop play in Unity Editor.

Exception: Could not remove RecastMeshObj from tree even though it should exist in it. Has the object moved without being marked as dynamic?
Pathfinding.RecastMeshObj.OnDisable () (at Assets/AstarPathfindingProject/Generators/Utilities/RecastMeshObj.cs:178)

I have to say I am using a bit of older version of Astar as I need to run it under Unity 4.3

What is correct way to prevent this from happening… ? If this is fixed in the recent build, is it possible to bring in that changes to the version that I have.? (which is PathfindingProject_Pro_WebsiteDownload_isometric I believe)

Aron any thought? I am still getting these errors a lot

I think the error message says it quite clearly.
It will log that error message if the object has been moved without the “dynamic” field being enabled on the RecastMeshObj.

Sorry to necro this,

I am instantiating RecastMeshObjs before we call Scan (our levels are procedurally generated) and upon unloading the current scene and loading another I receive this error. I also receive this error simply exiting Play mode. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Hm… Yeah, the dynamic field really should have true as the default value.

Quick fix: Open the RecastMeshObj.cs file and change this line

public bool dynamic = false;


public bool dynamic = true;

I see, so this is due to the fact that this component Registers itself in OnEnable which will prevent me from ever establishing that it is dynamic when I create it via script.

It seems that you could take the approach of not doubling your fields there and instead use something like [SerializeField] on your private _dynamic so that you can set it in-Editor and not have a do-nothing exposed field at run-time.