Error with EditorScripts when moved to Plugins folder

My project consists of a decent amount of frameworks, and I have moved them to the Assets/Plugins folder so they are not recompiled every time I modify a script.

My scripts give an error (as well as the A* object) and they are:

  1. Instance of SeekerEditor couldn’t be created. The script class needs to derive from ScriptableObject and be placed in the Assets/Editor folder.

  2. Instance of RaycastModifierEditor couldn’t be created. The script class needs to derive from ScriptableObject and be placed in the Assets/Editor folder.

3.Instance of AstarPathEditor couldn’t be created. The script class needs to derive from ScriptableObject and be placed in the Assets/Editor folder.

I am unsure how these are to be fixed :confused: (These only happened on my latest update to 3.5.2)


Try using A* Inspector -> Settings -> Editor -> Enable JS Support first and then moving the AstarPathfindingProject folder to the Plugins folder and the AstarEditor folder to the Editor folder. I think that will work.

It is unfortunately not possible for me to support a simple move to the plugins folder due to how unity recognises the Editor folder.