Error Account for Grid Penalties (FunnelModifier)

When using Funnel Modifier with the “Account for Grid Penalties” option, agents begin to jump from side to side as they walk, and i get the following error:

Missing Profiler.EndSample (Every BeginSample call must have a subsequent EndSample call within the same frame): Re-evaluate linecast
Previous 5 samples:
Re-evaluate linecast
In the scope:
Re-evaluate linecast
Running Path Modifiers
Calling Path Callbacks
AstarPathfindingProject.dll!::AstarPath.Update() [Invoke]

If I uncheck the “Account for Grid Penalties” option it works without problems and doesn’t give any error, but I need to use this option since I use penalties…

Note: when changing the tag to a node, I do not modify its penalty since the seeker component of each agent has the penalty of all tags indicated, ince each agent has different penalties in the same tag.

ok, the error it shows is not important since it really is profile information, but what matters are the jumps made by the agent, I have tried to disable funnelmodifier and simplemoothmodifier but it still has the same problem, I have sent you the link of the video by mp

have you been able to see the problem?, I have already tried everything, to deactivate the funnelmodifier and simple smoot modifier components, leaving only the seeker and the ailerp active but it continues to happen, it seems that it happens when it is overloaded and at the end of the calculation of a route , I have looked at everything in my power trying to find the problem but I can’t find it… I would really appreciate it if you would take some time so that I can solve this serious problem, thanks


Which movement script are you using? The only one that I can think of that could possible cause that kind of jumping would be the AILerp movement script, but only if the pathfinding system is very overloaded (i.e. path requests take a lot of time).

Hello, I am using AILerp since I thought it is the most efficient and fast, so I will have to use AIPath?
I am using the following AstarPath configuration:

As you can see the node size is small but I need them to be small because if they are very large the agents will be very separated from a non-traversable area (When calculating the routes of the agents I calculate them by small sections so as not to calculate very long routes ).
I don’t know if you see something wrong here or something that I should activate to make it more optimal.
Here is a picture of the components used in the agents:

How long does it take to calculate your paths (enable path logging in the A* settings)?

The great deal of times in Unity Editor., it usually takes between 0.5 and 1.0 ms but there are times (very rarely) that it takes up to 30.0 ms:
Path Completed : Computation Time 0,50 ms Searched Nodes 280 Path Length 90
Path Completed : Computation Time 0,50 ms Searched Nodes 41 Path Length 38
Path Completed : Computation Time 30,53 ms Searched Nodes 47438 Path Length 7
Path Completed : Computation Time 35,03 ms Searched Nodes 57092 Path Length 43

Hmm, even 30ms is only 2 frames, it shouldn’t cause that kind of jumping. Does the system have a large backlog of paths it has been calculating? Does the jumping go away if you only have a single agent active in the scene?