I’m having an issue with the plugin in 5.3.0 version on unity 2022.3
I have a bot which have :
Funnel Modifier
Box collider 2d
other custom script
My issue is that the bot go through a zone that is not walkable.
As you can see in the screenshot the green line is perfectly follow the border of the not walkable area. But The bot still go througth. I don’t know why.
Can you post your agent settings? And just for clarification, your bot walks directly through the unwalkable section, not just gets stuck in it or anything?
To clarify, at the begin they folllow the green path that are on walkable area. But at a time it go throught the not walkable area with normal movement speed
Try enabling “Constrain Inside Graph” on your agent. If you can also upload a video so I can see more for myself how your agents are moving, that’ll help too, if it doesn’t help.
As an aside, you have your grid node set extremely low. I’d recommend raising that up considerably.
I check the "Constrain Inside Graph” param.
Now the bot is effectively blocked by the not walkable area but it is running on the wall and stay stuck on to it.
However the path are well calculated but it’s not following it.
The AIPath movement script applies some smoothing to its movement during pathfinding. This can, depending on the configuration, cause it to wander slightly outside the graph.
You can make the agent follow its path more closely by reducing its Pick Next Waypoint Distance.
See AIPath - A* Pathfinding Project
Other movement scripts (like the FollowerEntity) handle movement differently, and will not go outside the graph in the same way.
Also. It looks like you have a very high resolution grid graph. I would recommend a much lower resolution for an agent that size.
I reduce the grid size, also reduce the Pick Next Waypoint Distance from 2 to 0.7 and modify max acceleration to 100.
now the bot follow didn’t go throught not walkable area.
But it stay stuck for a while and then continue it’s path. It’s seems like a collision issue but i’m not sure
You can mitigate this by setting your node size to a less extreme size and also changing the radius of your collision testing. I can’t really understate how extreme your node size is. You will see better results and performance with a properly set node size.
I was away for a while.
Finally a succeed to handle wall cut.
I unchecked Constrain inside graph, I increased the node size to something more accurate, and increase a bit he colision diameter
Thanks for your help