Do the navmeshes act as naive point graphs?

This might be just the impression I get from the generated paths, but it feels like the navmesh completely ignores the fact that it is a navmesh for everything but the funnel and raycast path modifiers, is this correct? Does it just pathfinds through it’s node connections and weights, completely ignoring the geometry of it’s triangles? I am a novice on navmesh pathfinding, but I was always under the impression that the edges play a big role in it’s pathfinding.
Because if that’s the case, I might incorporate my own point graph solution I made for my macro region pathfinding, since it can A* in burst.


Yes, this is correct.
I am planning to at some point change to another approach which takes the navmesh representation into account more when planning the paths. But it’s tricky to do while maintaining backwards compatibility everywhere.