I switched over to a Seeker, Rich AI, and RVO Controller on my units instead of Nav Mesh Agents.However, now my unit’s children Box Coliders are not triggering for some reason, even though they are obviously touching the other unit’s Box Coliders.
My new fancy A* path finding units have NO issue triggering their coliders on my OLD units that are still using a Nav Mesh Agent. The new A* version of units just can’t trigger on each other.
Just want to know if this is an issue with the A* Project or an issue somewhere in my code/scene. If it is known behavior for A*, do I need to use A*'s coliders instead?
The RVO system does not care about unity colliders at all. Maybe your pathfinding graph has detected that trigger as an obstacle? You might want to disable Unity Project Settings → Physics → Queries Hit Triggers.
The issue was that my units were missing their Rigibbody components. Now colliders work, but I have a new issue. The units struggle to move anywhere. They choke on the ground or something.
How do I get Rigidbodys to work with pathfinding? Am I forced to use isKinematic? I need these for collision detection and wold rather not have to be turning isKinematic on and off all of the time. Plus, I’m sure there is some strain on performance when RVO is colliding with my Rigidbody every frame.