Different collision testing diameter for different masks

Just wondering if there is any way to have different layers with different diameterss on the collision testing. I am wanting the pathfinding to give so much clearance of most objects but i am in need of lowering the diameter for the walls so they are able to walk through smaller gaps (eg doorways) that with the normal diameter for all other objects marks these areas as to small to walk though.

I currently have told it to ignore the wall as a walking point and then just adding additional empty colliders around and then scaled these to make ti work, but its a bit messy and means i have a lot of empty colliders floating around just to build the pathfinding.



There is no built in way to do that, but you can relatively easily modify the GraphCollision.Check method to do that.
That method exists in the file called ‘Base.cs’.


Thats great i will have a look through that script and see if i can modify the check method to accomplish what i need

Thanks for the help

I have tried looking at it and i think i ended up doing more damage that good for a quick fix (that was not hard coding in a load of factors). will have to put the quick messy fix with the boxes in for now and hopefully i will have chance in the future to spend the time reading though the code a bit more and trying to piece it together better without breaking other stuff

Thanks for the help