I’d be curious to hearing more about this if you had any resources you’d wanna share on it!
Open source my beloved <3 Coming back to this in the future.
I’d be curious to hearing more about this if you had any resources you’d wanna share on it!
Open source my beloved <3 Coming back to this in the future.
My hashmap grid system is derived from this tutorial.
I have expanded it a lot, but essentially its an endless grid of 1m cells. Everything in my scene registers which cell it is in every frame by hashing the position. Then I use the grid system with masks for things like radius target detection, bullets hitting enemies, building structures on a grid, etc…
Its all done using bursted jobs so it’s highly efficient and can even be used from other jobs. The precision loss is only really noticeable when things are on the edge of a cell and my bullets pass through the other side of the cell. I think there are ways I can improve it to mitigate that though.
This is ultra cool, thanks for sharing