Conditional Pathfinding Question

I have a question. I want to know how to have the seeker reach a target, and based upon the seeker reaching the target; another seeker going to a totally different target based on the aforementioned condition. Or in other words, I want to know how to dynamically change a seekers target OR go to the target based on conditions.

What would be the best way to do this using the grid based graph system.

Thank you so much for providing this asset by the way. Excellent Job!


As a very simple solution you could do something like this

 void Awake () {
      ai = GetComponent<AIPath>();

 void Update () {
      if (Vector3.Distance(, transform.position) < someThreshold && !movedTheOtherSeeker) {
           movedTheOtherSeeker = true;
  = someOtherPosition;