Firstly forgive me if this is too obvious and my basic unity/c# fundamentals seem lacking but I want to understand why there is a while(true) in this function in TargetMover.cs example code:
IEnumerator OptimizeFormationDestinations (List<IAstarAI> ais, List<Vector3> destinations) {
var alreadySwapped = new HashSet<(IAstarAI, IAstarAI)>();
const int IterationsPerFrame = 4;
// This guy over here what I don't understand
while (true) {
for (int i = 0; i < IterationsPerFrame; i++) {
var a = Random.Range(0, ais.Count);
var b = Random.Range(0, ais.Count);
if (a == b) continue;
if (b < a) Memory.Swap(ref a, ref b);
var aiA = ais[a];
var aiB = ais[b];
if ((MonoBehaviour)aiA == null) continue;
if ((MonoBehaviour)aiB == null) continue;
if (alreadySwapped.Contains((aiA, aiB))) continue;
var pA = aiA.position;
var pB = aiB.position;
var distA = (pA - destinations[a]).sqrMagnitude;
var distB = (pB - destinations[b]).sqrMagnitude;
var newDistA = (pA - destinations[b]).sqrMagnitude;
var newDistB = (pB - destinations[a]).sqrMagnitude;
var cost1 = distA + distB;
var cost2 = newDistA + newDistB;
if (cost2 < cost1 * 0.98f) {
// Swap the destinations
var tmp = destinations[a];
destinations[a] = destinations[b];
destinations[b] = tmp;
aiA.destination = destinations[a];
aiB.destination = destinations[b];
alreadySwapped.Add((aiA, aiB));
yield return null; // this is reach after the 4 iterations of the for loop and would immendiately break the while loop? if that the case why have the while loop
also would setting aiA.destination to some destination automatically start the the agent with followerEntity to move to that destination until given a new path or he reaches there?