I’ve upgraded to the Beta, but can’t seem to add some Astar components to my game objects (i.e. Seeker, AI Destination Setter). In the project view of Rider it shows as “ReadOnly”. The Pathfinding component and AIPath is accessible - along with a few others.
I’ve added the ALINE, AstarPathfindingProject and ProjectTools definition references to my only asmdef in my project.
Is my approach of extending the AIPath, Seeker, AIDestSetter, and other files deprecated?
I’m on 2022.3.13f1.0.18583, and 4.3.97
You should be able to add them to your GameObjects just fine. Do they work in the example scenes?
The package itself is read-only, so you cannot modify the source code without some extra steps (see Unity - Manual: Embedded dependencies, but most users don’t have to do this).
Hey, this happened to me as well, seems to get fixed if you remove the package from the Package Manager and the folder from Package Cache and then install again.
Uninstalling, restarting and installing again seemed to get me closer (if not all the way?).
Did AI Destination Setter get removed at some point? I didn’t see it in the list.
The AIDestinationSetter was previously not in the pathfinding group. Now it’s in Pathfinding/AI/Behaviors.
You can still search for it, and it will show up.