Hi, I’ve purchased this asset about a month ago and wondering if i can get a refund on this.
Problems that i’m having is
unit navigates via non-direct path than direct path when it’s moving to target which is positioned diagonal location
if (currentWaypointIndex == vPath.Count-1 && targetDist <= endReachedDistance) {
if (!targetReached) { targetReached = true; OnTargetReached(); }
//Send a move request, this ensures gravity is applied
return Vector3.zero;
} (from aipath.cs)
OnTargetReached function called even if unit hasn’t been arrived at the target position yet. gives me my unit being stuck issue.
I can PM you invoice number or other info(if required) so please get me refund.
If you are not happy with the project you can get a refund. However the specific issues that you have do not seem to be particularly hard to solve.
For 1. Try adding the Raycast Modifier component. That will use raycasts to simplify the path. You can also alternatively use a recast graph and the funnel modifier.
For 2.
It will be called when the unit is close to the current end of the path. However since paths are not calculate immediately to avoid fps spikes when a large number of units request paths at the same time, it may be called even after the target has move, but the new path has not yet been calculated. When the OnTargetReached method is called, you can simply do a check for if the unit is correctly close to the ‘target’ transform, and only if that is the case, continue to do whatever your code usually does when it reaches the target.
Hi, I’m truely sorry about this but it would be great if i can get a refund. Again, sorry to bother you with this issue. Wouldn’t be asking this since my budget’s not limited. If you need any info required, please let me know.
Thank you in advance.