Any more Example Scenes Documentation?

Some of these example scenes appear to be doing nothing, and have no explanation anywhere what they are supposed to do.

For example, “Procedural” has an object called Description in it, but when I press start, no description. Objecty spawn, and the robot stands there. I tired WASD and moving mouse point and clicking with mouse, nothing happens.

This is the only documentation on Example Scenes I could find:

the only other readme I could find is _ExampleScenes which just says:
This folder contains a number of example scenes…

That is odd. The description should be showing up in the game view, and the robot should start moving immediately. Are you getting any error messages in the log?

Yes. I wonder if something changed in Unity2020.2 that automatically changed meshes back to read only, because I am also seeing these two.

Not allowed to access vertices on mesh '' (isReadable is false; Read/Write must be enabled in import settings)

I read you need read write access to generate graphs, but I never monkeyed with any of that in this project. It is fresh project, standard pipeline, 2020.2

I did install the HDRP version first, but it was all magenta, so I just went for standard (in a different, fresh project), so I could look at the examples. I had to re-import a lot of files for this from package manager, so maybe it is related to that? But that is ALL I did. that and look at some example scenes.

Component GUI Text in Description for Scene Assets/AstarPathfindingProject/ExampleScenes/Example9_Penalties/PenaltiesExample.unity is no longer available. It will be removed after you edit this GameObject and save the Scene. UnityEngine.GUIUtility:ProcessEvent (int,intptr,bool&) :

Component GUI Text in Description for Scene Assets/AstarPathfindingProject/ExampleScenes/Example12_Procedural/Procedural.unity is no longer available.
It will be removed after you edit this GameObject and save the Scene.

I did one other thing in HDRP, I tried to change an old material to HDRP, not realizing it was a custom shader, before giving up.
And I bet that material was the text color material or something. And I bet package manager did not recognize that when I reinstalled to a clean standard pipeline project.
I am going to reinstall clean clean and try again.

EDIT: First time, clean install nothing at happens after scene is set. Robot is there, camera centered, objects spawned, but no movment, no error.

Shut down Unity, restart project. This time same thing, except there is now this error:

Component GUI Layer in Main Camera for Scene Assets/AstarPathfindingProject/ExampleScenes/Example12_Procedural/Procedural.unity is no longer available. It will be removed after you edit this GameObject and save the Scene.

So I went to …\Roaming\Unity\Asset Store-5.x\Aron Granberg\ScriptingAI, deleted the package from that, re-downloaded the package, re-imported into a fresh project, and now it says “double click to move” and double clicking moves the bot.

So Unity must have flagged the package as HDRP or something, so even if I import the package into a standard project, it still brings in something flagged from a change I made to the shader a material was using in a different project in HDRP.
