Another problem with RVO

I have another problem with RVOController. When I disable the RVOController and the agent has reached its destination, the agent does not move anymore, even if I move it (with a script or with the editor). The target of the agent has to move for the agent to move again.

After research, the problem comes from ‘RVODestinationCrowdedBehavior’. It keeps the state it had when the RVOController is deactivated. I modified AIBase to call ‘ClearDestinationReached’ and I don’t have the problem anymore.

Apparently, the ‘reachedDestination’ variable remains true and blocks AIBase

( when an enemy attacks his target, he moves back a bit to give a dash effect, then, RichAI brings the enemy to the target. Since I disable RVO when an enemy is in combat, at times the enemy moves backwards indefinitely. )


static void OnUpdate (AIBase[] components, int count, BatchedEvents.Event ev){
	var densityJob = densityJobData.ScheduleBatch(agentsWithRVOControllers, agentsWithRVOControllers / 16);

	for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < count; i++)
		var agent = components[i];
		//if (agent.rvoController != null && agent.rvoController.enabled) {
		//	agent.rvoDensityBehavior.ReadJobResult(ref densityJobData, j);
		//	j++;
		if (agent.rvoController != null)
			if (agent.rvoController.enabled)
				agent.rvoDensityBehavior.ReadJobResult(ref densityJobData, j);
				// Reset the behavior, or add an option:
				// if(resetBehavior)