I can use A* Pathfinding Project Pro make animal run away like in video:
https://youtu.be/g04hPJg8WHc?t=6424 ?
When human move closer to the animal, it will run like in video.
I can use A* Pathfinding Project Pro make animal run away like in video:
https://youtu.be/g04hPJg8WHc?t=6424 ?
When human move closer to the animal, it will run like in video.
If you use one of the built in movement scripts you could do something like this (in a separate script):
IAStarAI ai;
void Awake () {
ai = GetComponent<IAstarAI>();
void Update () {
if (player is close) {
// Disable the automatic path recalculation
ai.canSearch = false;
if (do this regularly, every few seconds maybe && !ai.pathPending) {
var pointToAvoid = player.position;
// Make the AI flee from the enemy.
// The path will be about 20 world units long (the default cost of moving 1 world unit is 1000).
var path = FleePath.Construct(ai.position, pointToAvoid, 1000 * 20);
} else {
ai.canSearch = true;
Essentially it will check if the player is close, and if so: switch to using the FleePath movement type to try to get away from the player.
Thanks you very much