Am I looking for too much?


To start off the studio has been using this tool for quite some time and are extremely happy with it, we however have some issues and I’m just not sure if this tool will continue to be feasible for our development. That being said let me make it clear that I am aware that these issues are not easily solved and are specialized and in no way is it expected for a tool to meet all hopes and specialized behaviors.

Our issues arise from the fact that our world is built on a tile system with largely varying heights that stream into the world at run time without the use of additive scene loading, the graphs also must be updatable as we have player placed traps and obstacles. The combination of these features seems to put us into a scenario in which no graph type seems very viable. Several graph types cannot be updated at run time properly to allow for the player placed objects. The grid graph we currently use is great for updating and dealing with the very large map we have created but fails us when it comes to the overlapping areas and height difference in general. Layered grid graph doesn’t seem usable due to the need for dynamic graph movement.

In short, I am looking for advice at this point, the studio and myself are not afraid to dive in and heavily modify the tool but at this point with some of the specialized needs we have would it be more favorable for us to approach this from scratch.

Any advice from anyone is highly appreciated, and if have misread, misunderstood, or simply missed an option I would appreciate being pointed in the right direction. Again thank you for any help.


Sorry for the late answer.
How large is the complete full world? Would it be an option to keep the whole world’s navmesh loaded at the same time and only stream in the rendered geometry? Is your world static?

If the individual tiles are static, but the way you are laying them out is not, it is possible to use a recast graph and populate it with pre-calculated tiles. The API was originally not intended for a use like this, so while it works, it may be a bit tricky to configure correctly.