AiPath ignoring obstacles


I followed the getting started section and although I can get the grid to cut out holes for the things on the obstacles layer, the AiPath completely ignores it. I have tried removing smoothing, constraining to path etc but for some reason it is simply ignoring its own path and taking the shortest distance regardless. There is only 1 grid on the map.


Possibly you want to reduce your ‘pick next waypoint distance’ field

Hi Even when setting that field to 1 it does that same.

Would you mind posting a video of this?
Also a screenshot of your agent settings.

Note that 1 is not the lowest possible value for that field. I’m not sure what the scale of your world is, but a common value for that field is maybe 1.5-3 times the radius of the agent.

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Are you sure there are no other components on the agent that is causing it to move?
I say this because I see that your max speed is 0.1, but the agent is definitely moving faster than 0.1 units per second (unless that gif is not in real time).

Well the spider is massively shrunk in scale to 0.05

Oh, well then your pick next waypoint distance is wayyy too large since that value is in world space.

In Unity, it is also generally recommended keeping your natural scale at around 1 since too small values (or too large ones) can cause floating point imprecision.