AI stuck on corners of tile map. Need help

I’m having an issue where the AI gets stuck on tilemap corners. Here are my Pathfinder settings:

Here is a video of the issue:


I’d recommend reducing the ‘pick next waypoint distance’ field on the AIPath script (which I think you are using?).

See for more information.

You can also add a border around your buildings using the ‘erosion iterations’ setting (though this may require you to also increase the resolution of the grid graph by reducing the ‘node size’ field).

You can also disable the grid graph->cut corners option.

Thanks @aron_granberg for the info. I did some of the changes you suggested. We had to shrink the colliders into the yellow circle. How do you expand the yellow circle?

The yellow circle is controlled by the radius setting on the movement script.

Hi aron, I got the same problem when I scaled my enemy character with a very large size. I have tried all of the ways you mentioned before, but none of them work. Is there any other solution?

Never mind, I found this solution

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