AI Destination Setter Target Value updates in Debug but not in Inspector during Gameplay

Maybe set the targets for the enemies only at the start of the game?

Im not sure how… but will they continue to follow the pacman? cause right now when i removed the Search Path the Enemies only go to the First Position the pacman was and wont follow him

What is the repath rate field on the enemies set to? And do they have ‘canSearch’ enabled? (they should have and it’s the default).

Yes they have canSearch ticked and the Repath Rate is set to ‘Infinity’

Well, a repath rate of infinity will make them wait infinitely long between each path recalculation (I know the name is a bit misleading, keeping backwards compatibility is horrible to deal with sometimes). I would suggest that you set it to for example 0.2. Or you could set it to 0 to make them recalculate as often as possible.

Thanks now they are moving like before without the SearchPath and repeat rate set to 0. But when i eat an object still the target doesn’t change

Did you change the target mover script to not set the target every frame as well? You can do it by simply changing your ‘yield return null’ to ‘yield break’

Didn’t change it yet… ill try it

Thanks a lot… it worked fine now… just a little arrangements it needed. Thanks again

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