I have a custom script that computes a path to an intended destination using a Recast graph. I’m using ABPath.Construct.
_AIPath = ABPath.Construct(PlayerHandle.Transform.position, position);
It works well. I am now at a point where I would like to add agent to agent local avoidance. It looks like I have some different options, and it is unclear to me which path is most appropriate.
Do I use use an RVOSimulator? From the code sample, I am not seeing how it integrates with my recast graph and calls to ABPath.Construct. Custom Local Avoidance Movement Script - A* Pathfinding Project and Local Avoidance - A* Pathfinding Project
Or do I periodically recompute the path? AstarAI.cs - A* Pathfinding Project.
I can add DynamicObstacle to my agents, and then recalculate? DynamicObstacle - A* Pathfinding Project
I probably should have used one of the existing scripts out-of-the-box. But I am not using the built-in Unity controller. I suspect I need to integrate RVOSimulator with my existing pathfinding script – but the documentation is challenging for me to follow.
Any guidance or suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thank you for making a terrific product!