Active Project?


I’m new to using this product, but I want to make sure that I’m investing in something that will continue to be maintained. Most of the community posts seem to be from 2015. Is this still being worked-on? And where can I get support if I run into problems?


  • Kevin


Yes, it is still being worked on. The latest official release was a few months ago, but I released a beta about two weeks ago.
This forum is the best place, I do my best to answer as quickly as I can.

I am not sure which community posts you are talking about, if you mean the blog, yeah, I very rarely post there.

Best regards,
Aron Granberg

Thank you for the speedy reply. Yes I was referring-to the blog.

I did have a slight problem with the demo project. When my “Ground” plane was at Y=0 all I got was red nodes. When I moved it up 0.1, it worked normally. Is this expected? Thanks!


The grid graph (that I assume you are using) does a raycast from above to find the position of the ground. If the ground plane is at y = 0, it may not actually be hit by the ray because of floating point errors (however I do add a very small constant to the ray length so in most cases it should get hit, but I am not quite sure what your setup was, maybe the graph was not exactly at y=0 or something).

Sorry for the additional post. I tried the AIPath script instead and it didn’t have the problem. So I’m just going to go with that. Thanks!