4.3.77 -> 4.3.82 gen navmesh failure


i try to update my plugin from 4.3.77 to 4.3.82.

in new version . the navmesh is generate wrong.

old version:

new version:

what i do is:

first gen a mesh base on the map

then call AstarPath.active.Scan for the mesh

then destroy the mesh

i need to generate three mesh (TD game. one for fly unit one for ground unit. and one for build)

so i put those in IEnumerator.

generate one then destroy the mesh and generate the other.

it’s woking well in version 4.3.77. but can’t get the right result in 4.3.82

private IEnumerator DoScanAndAddNavGraph(string _rgName, string _layerName, Mesh _mesh, string _meshName, bool _isCanCutNav)
    var rg = AddNewRecastGraph(_rgName, _isCanCutNav, _layerName); 
    yield return 0;

    var mMeshGo = new GameObject(_meshName) {layer = LayerMask.NameToLayer(_layerName)};
    mMeshGo.AddComponent<MeshFilter>().mesh = _mesh;  // <- THE MESH I GENERATE FOR THE MAP
    yield return 0;

    var sGround = rg.forcedBoundsSize;
    sGround.y = 1f;
    rg.forcedBoundsSize = sGround;
    yield return 0;

    yield return 0;
    yield return 0;

private RecastGraph AddNewRecastGraph(string _name, bool _isCanCutNav, string _scanLayerName)
    var rg = AstarPath.active.data.AddGraph(typeof(RecastGraph)) as RecastGraph;
    rg.name = _name;
    rg.cellSize = 0.2f; 
    rg.characterRadius = 0.8f; 
    rg.maxSlope = 0f;
    rg.rasterizeColliders = false;
    rg.rasterizeTerrain = false;
    rg.rasterizeTrees = false;
    rg.rasterizeMeshes = true;

    rg.enableNavmeshCutting = _isCanCutNav; 

    rg.mask = LayerMask.GetMask(_scanLayerName);

    return rg;


I’m not sure if this is the issue, but could you try to set the max slope to something greater than 0? Even just a tiny value would be enough. I fear that floating point issues might cause the surfaces to be seen as having a tiny, but non-zero, slope.



rg.maxSlope = 1f

fix the issue :+1: :+1: