Urgent : cannot compile since pro version

Hello after 1 year of free version I bought the pro version to increase the performance.

But the problem now is that I cannot compile my project to an apk!

I got a TONS of compiling errror which is related to the new update of A* path:

The number of method references in a .dex file cannot exceed 64K. How can I reduce the number of methods of A*?

It seems that the updates has too many methods and I’m stuck! I cannot upload my new release to the playstore!

Hi I think this thread will help you: android - Unity Method count exceed the limit of 64K - Game Development Stack Exchange


Thak you but I already read that thread.

I’m wondering if I can cut the A* methods directly in Unity. Maybe splitting Pathfinding is sub Namespace might reduce the number of methods included from your library?


I think that would be very difficult, unfortunately. And splitting it into smaller namespaces will not reduce the number of methods.

Well, I’ll see what I can do to reduce the number of methods. Because I don’t want to go to multidex, I won’t be able to target as much mobile devices otherwise.

thanks anyway.