Setting tag to node dynamically on gridgraph

Im using a gridgraph map. All the unwalkable areas are definded with collsion testing by layers (Earth, water etc.).

Is it possible to tag nodes by the collision testing object layer?
Like collision testing hits obstacle with Layer “Wall” --> Node has tag “Wall”

Thanks for the reply

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Reply from another user here. I’m replying since your need might be similar to one I had so maybe some of the same advice might help you ?

2 thoughts:

  1. Why do you wish to tag walls as walls? I believe the usual way to handle is to make them non-walkable. (Perhaps some of your units can traverse them?)

  2. You might want to subclass the graph generator. See my thread over here where the author explains.
    Navigating by non-physical *and* physical aspects of a scene?

(Not sure how to link on mobile phone.)

HTH, Rupert.

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Thanks for your reply Rupert

  1. Yes it’s because some units can taverse them and should block the position they are for other units.
  2. Looks interesting, but for my target a bit to complex.

I got a solution with the graph update and a simple polygon at the bottom of the unit (as a child of the unit). Now i can set a high penalty for the other units and the own unit doesnt gets irritated.


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