Same field name is serialized multiple times in the class or its parent class

I have created a class that inherits from AIPath based on AIPathAlignedToSurface. This

Often I will see this error:

The same field name is serialized multiple times in the class or its parent class. This is not supported: Base(AIPathAlignedToSurfacePapaJ) <reachedEndOfPath>k__BackingField 

I can’t find k__BackingField in AIPath or any thing that it inherits from.

@aron_granberg please help…


It looks like you have a property called reachedEndOfPath. The AIBase script (which AIPath inherits from) also has a property with that name.


Excellent… I just didn’t know how to read that error, makes total sense once you point that out. I had to new a lot of parts of AI path to get our script to work. Aron strikes again!
