Recast Graph Path Cutting Through Walls

Hello, I’m using the latest version of the astar pathfinding plugin. I’m using a recast graph, and I’m calculating a new path every frame. I noticed that sometimes when my character is close to the edges of the graph that it will generate a path that cuts through my walls.

I’ve been able to reduce the issue to a very simple test scene which i’ve included. I’ve omitted the astar plugin itself from the test scene, but if you have trouble getting the scripts set up again I will send you the scene with my astar plugin in it privately. Just run the scene and view the gizmos drawn by the seeker.


It’s hard to tell with the info I have, but this might be related to a bug with the FunnelModifier that has been fixed in the current beta.
Do you think you could try out the beta and see if that improves things?

Sure, I am using the FunnelModifier so I will give it a shot.

Actually, I can’t seem to download the beta, as I just upgraded my license to 4.0 yesterday. I only seem to have an invoice number for 3.0 which isn’t unlocking the beta for me.

When you upgraded you should have received a pdf invoice by email from Unity, that should contain your new invoice number. Are you sure you didn’t get it?

Ahh, indeed I do. I was looking for it in the asset store purchase list. Thanks. And yes, this sample scene now works as expected with the new Beta.


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