Problem with Windows Phone 8

I am having a problem System.Reflection.TypeInfo class that does not exist in .NET 2.0, converted the JsonFx project for .NET 4.5 and works perfectly. The problem is that Unity3D runs on top of .NET 3.5. How do I solve this problem that is already driving me crazy? Thanks


Have you followed the instructions for windows phone here: ?

I just want to use the jsonFx. I downloaded the project and compiled the dll. He did not want any Pathfinding Project. It does not?

Sorry, jsonfx is not compatible with Windows 8 yet. I have tried really hard, but it is horrible to try to make it compatible with two APIs at the same time.

:frowning: Thank you very much. I’ll try to do something.

The source is here if you want to take a look:

I found this project. So I can see if it works tomorrow night. Anything you notice.

Thank U

Interesting. I had not seen that fork.