Lots of errors after importing the package

My bad. Somehow I made a new class called Type which caused the trouble.
Now it works without errors.



I could use some help… I tried to import the a* package(version 3.6) into my new project(unity version 4.6.1p4) but I all i get are a lot of errors.

Errors like this:
“Assets/AstarPathfindingProject/Core/Serialization/JsonConverters.cs(181,59): error CS0505: Pathfinding.Serialization.BoundsConverter.WriteJson(Type, object)': cannot override becausePathfinding.Serialization.JsonFx.JsonConverter.WriteJson(System.Type, object)’ is not a method”

Right now there are 21 of those errors.

I used the a* project a while ago and it worked fine then.

Any advice?
