How does RVO interact with paths?

RVO is a core part of my game, however I have some concerns.

I pre-calculate the path so that I can check for any doors the agent should open along the way, then start the movement. However, if the agent gets pushed for any reason by some other agents, he will clearly stray from the initially defined path.

When an agent gets pushed, does he internally calculate a new path, or just tries to get back to the closest point of the originally defined path that AIPath calculated?

I need to always check ahead for upcoming doors and I have no idea how to combine it with RVO if the agents get pushed around and deviate from the original paths, connected to this issue .

Thank you!


Typically, agents recalculate their paths regularly. There are settings for this on the AIPath script. So if the agent gets pushed away it will soon recaculate its path and be back on track.

I would recommend using the ai’s steering target to check for doors. Check in the direction indicated by ai.steeringTarget. See AIPath - A* Pathfinding Project