Graph update not updating Penalty

Hi. Aron

As we have discussed earlier , I want to add penalty value to Wall object as well as i want to make that node walkable.

I tried with below code -

                GraphUpdateObject GUO = new GraphUpdateObject ((G1xWall.transform.FindChild ("IsoCollider")).GetComponent<MeshCollider> ().bounds);
		GUO.updatePhysics = false;
		GUO.modifyTag = true;
		GUO.setTag = 1;
		GUO.addPenalty = 100000;
		GUO.modifyWalkability = true;
		GUO.setWalkability = true; (GUO);


There are definitely some unwalkable nodes around the tower, I’m not sure if the bounding box of the mesh covers those (also you should make sure that the bounding box covers the nodes along the y axis as well).

Even better is to make the towers walkable from the beginning by simply not including their layer in the Grid Graph Settings -> Collision Testing -> Layer Mask field.