Doubt about RVO and AIPath for 3.8.6 (2016-10-31) released

Hello Aron,

I was using the 3.8.6 (think) Beta and now updated to the new released one: 3.8.6 (2016-10-31)
In the past I had a problem with the position and height of the characters when using RVO, Seeker and AIPath. To solve it, I started to using all these together and used my own height calculation. In this new upgrade, I had to remove to make it work (because it broke my character).

Can you please explain to me if this will keep that way (because I saw in the change log that some features were removed due to problems) or if it will be the other way. And what has the best performance? The last version I was using, was working all good. This new one, now it is working, but I am not sure if it is better or not.

Also, there were also some oddly changes, like: now I need to update both RVO and AIPath speed variable to change speed of the characters…



The rvo system in the beta is more updated than in the latest release. There is no backwards compatibility code yet, so I couldn’t include it in the release. The beta contains almost all fixes that are in the 3.8.6 release, so I would suggest that you continue to use the beta.

Yeah. That was why I changed it in the beta. It makes no sense to have two scripts controlling the same thing.

Damn, lol, I think I will have to go back to my git backup then.

Hello Aron,

I just saw there is a new version 3.8.7
Can I use it for what I was doing here (post)? I mean, for that features… or do you think it is best to wait?


Sorry, the version numbers are really messed up right now.
3.8.7 does not include some of the changes from the beta (such as the RVO updates).

Hi Aron,

Same question about 3.8.8 … I am using that old version, 3.8.5, with latest Unity version (5.5.0p3) and it is working good. But if you recommend me to change, I will. Thanks

3.8.8 does not include the changes. (see changelog