If anybody is still having the issue where PackageTools doesn’t show up in your assembly list when you try to add it (I was on both Unity 2021.2.8f and after upgrading to Unity 2021.2.16f) here’s a solution:
- Install Search Everything (https://www.voidtools.com/) An amazing tool, use it
- Open Search Everything and search for “packagetools.asmdef”. That should show you both the path where the package is installed in Unity and in your project’s Library folder. For instance: (C:\Users\david\AppData\Local\Unity\cache\packages\arongranberg.com\packages\7415c0e8b91dfea70e3ae77547ee353d63125d5a9cd4c\com.arongranberg.astar@4.3.56\PackageTools\PackageTools.asmdef)
- Open the PackageTools.asmdef.meta file with your favorite text editor (I used Notepad++)
- The second line should be something along the lines of:
guid: f4059aaf6c60a4a58a177a2609feb769 - Copy the guid part (select f4059aaf6c60a4a58a177a2609feb769 and ctrl+c)
- In Unity, double-click to open your project’s .asmdef file in Visual Studio. If this doesn’t work, you can right-click that file, select “Show in Explorer” and open it with your favorite text editor.
- Add a line under the “references” json section of the form:
IMPORTANT: You’ll need a comma at the end of the previous line.
My ‘references’ block looks like so:
"references": [
NOTE the last entry is the same GUID in the second line of the PackageTools.asmdef.meta file.
8. Save your project’s ASMDEF file and return to Unity. The change should be picked up, your solution and project files regenerated and reloaded, and VOILA!
Hope this helps!