Lag when updating a graph

hit.collider is presumably the tilemap collider. There are no colliders for individual tiles.

ok thank you for your help. Ill have another go at trying to update a smaller part of the grid.

I fixed it and it works super fast now. Here is the code i used for others that might be stuck:

if (mainTilemap.GetTile(lPos) != null)
Vector3 min = transform.position + transform.up * digRange * 2 + transform.right * digRange * 2;
Vector3 max = transform.position -transform.up * digRange * 2 + -transform.right * digRange * 2;
cellBounds.SetMinMax(min, max);

            //update graph
            cellBounds.Expand(Vector3.forward * 100);
            var guo = new GraphUpdateObject(cellBounds);
            mainTilemap.SetTile(lPos, null);
            // change some settings on the object
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