Is there a function like BFS that would collect all the nodes in a list with a hurdle?

Thank you, I was able to finish this function. Used the hint from this thread. BFS walkability constraint
That’s what I did.

  public void navedenieVersusIunitRS2()
        var navelsya = OfAttack.cellVrag;
        var samPers = TextSceny.PersonagTextStatic.teloPersonaga;
        GridGraph GG =;
        GridNode centerNode = GG.GetNearest(navelsya.transform.position, NNConstraint.None).node as GridNode;
        int width = nygnoeRasstoyanie;
        List<GraphNode> nodes = GG.GetNodesInRegion(new IntRect(centerNode.XCoordinateInGrid - width, centerNode.ZCoordinateInGrid - width,
            centerNode.XCoordinateInGrid + width, centerNode.ZCoordinateInGrid + width)).Where(node => node.Tag != KeshPriStart.tagMaskZone3).Where(node => node.Walkable == true).ToList();
        if (nodes.Count == 0)
            width = nygnoeRasstoyanie * 2;
            nodes = GG.GetNodesInRegion(new IntRect(centerNode.XCoordinateInGrid - width, centerNode.ZCoordinateInGrid - width,
           centerNode.XCoordinateInGrid + width, centerNode.ZCoordinateInGrid + width)).Where(node => node.Tag != KeshPriStart.tagMaskZone3).Where(node => node.Walkable == true).ToList();
        float DistanceToPlayer = 5000;
        int NearestObject = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < nodes.Count; i++)
            // float  DistanceToPlayer3 = Vector3.Distance((Vector3)areaaTchk[i].position, samPers.transform.position);
            Vector3 prom = (Vector3)nodes[i].position - samPers.transform.position;
            float DistanceToPlayer2 = prom.sqrMagnitude;
            //print(DistanceToPlayer3 + "  " + DistanceToPlayer2 + "   " + i);
            if (DistanceToPlayer2 < DistanceToPlayer)
                DistanceToPlayer = DistanceToPlayer2;
                NearestObject = i;

        tochkaYdara = (Vector3)nodes[NearestObject].position;
       // print(nodes.Count);

@aron_granberg Let’s make my game together. On kickstarter, it remains only to draw the interface and a few pictures of the characters, the demo version will be ready. Then more people could be recruited. There is very little programming left.

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