using Pathfinding; using Pathfinding.Util; using Unity.Collections; using Unity.Mathematics; using UnityEngine; public class AstarAINav : DAINav { [SerializeField] private Seeker _seeker; public Seeker Seeker { get { return _seeker; } set { _seeker = value; } } [SerializeField] private RangeF _repathInterval = new RangeF(0.25f, 2f); public RangeF RepathInterval { get { return _repathInterval; } set { _repathInterval = value; } } [SerializeField] private float _repathDist = 5f; public float RepathDist { get { return _repathDist; } set { _repathDist = value; } } [SerializeField] private float _pathLeadRadius = 1.5f; public float PathLeadRadius { get { return _pathLeadRadius; } set { _pathLeadRadius = value; } } [SerializeField] private float _reachedPathEndDist = 0.333f; public float ReachedPathEndDist { get { return _reachedPathEndDist; } set { _reachedPathEndDist = value; } } [SerializeField] private float _autoStraightPathDist = 1f; public float AutoStraightPathDist { get { return _autoStraightPathDist; } set { _autoStraightPathDist = value; } } [SerializeField] private float _allowedStraightPenetrateDist = 0.5f; public float AllowedStraightPenetrateDist { get { return _allowedStraightPenetrateDist; } set { _allowedStraightPenetrateDist = value; } } public static NativeMovementPlane MovementPlane => new NativeMovementPlane(SimpleMovementPlane.XYPlane); public Vector2 LastPathGoal { get; private set; } public float LastPathTime { get; private set; } public Path Path { get; private set; } public PathTracer Tracer { get; private set; } public override bool HasStraightPathTo(Vector2 goalPos) { Vector2 startPos = Character.Position; if (Vector2.Distance(startPos, goalPos) <= AutoStraightPathDist) return true; if (! || <= 0) return true; var graph =[0]; RecastGraph recast = (graph is RecastGraph) ? (RecastGraph)graph : null; if (recast == null) return true; GraphHitInfo hitInfo; if (recast.Linecast(Character.Position, goalPos, null, out hitInfo)) { // Characters near walls may have their point slightly in the dead zone Vector2 hitPoint = Utils2D.V3toV2(hitInfo.point); return Vector2.Distance(goalPos, hitPoint) <= AllowedStraightPenetrateDist; } return true; } private Vector2 _lastNavigationVec; public override Vector2 NavigateTowards(Vector2 goalPos) { Vector2 pos = Character.Position; #if UNITY_EDITOR Debug.DrawLine(Utils2D.V2toV3(pos, -0.5f), Utils2D.V2toV3(goalPos, -0.5f), new Color(1, 0.5f, 0f, 0.5f), 1/30f); #endif if ( && Vector2.Distance(goalPos, pos) > ReachedPathEndDist) { float delta = Time.time - LastPathTime; float dist = Vector2.Distance(goalPos, LastPathGoal); bool repath = false; if (delta > ((dist > RepathDist) ? RepathInterval.Min : RepathInterval.Max)) { repath = true; } if (Path != null && Tracer.hasPath) { Tracer.UpdateStart(Utils2D.V2toV3(pos), PathTracer.RepairQuality.High, MovementPlane, Path.traversalProvider, Path); Tracer.UpdateEnd(Utils2D.V2toV3(pos), PathTracer.RepairQuality.High, MovementPlane, Path.traversalProvider, Path); if (Tracer.isStale) repath = true; } if (Seeker != null && repath) { LastPathGoal = goalPos; LastPathTime = Time.time; Seeker.StartPath(pos, goalPos, OnPathComplete); } } else ClearPath(); if (Path != null && Tracer.hasPath) { var buffer = new NativeList(Allocator.Temp); NativeArray scratchArray = default; Tracer.GetNextCorners(buffer, 5, ref scratchArray, Allocator.Temp, Path.traversalProvider, Path); scratchArray.Dispose(); float leadRadius = PathLeadRadius; Vector2 pPos = pos; for(int i = 0; i < buffer.Length && leadRadius > 0; i++) { Vector2 bPos = Utils2D.V3toV2(Utils2D.ToV3(buffer[i])); float dist = Vector2.Distance(pPos, bPos); pPos = dist > leadRadius ? Vector2.Lerp(pPos, bPos, leadRadius / dist) : bPos; leadRadius -= dist; } buffer.Dispose(); _lastNavigationVec = (pPos - pos).normalized; #if UNITY_EDITOR Debug.DrawLine(Utils2D.V2toV3(pos, -0.5f), Utils2D.V2toV3(pos + _lastNavigationVec, -0.5f), new Color(0, 1f, 0f, 1f), 1 / 30f); #endif return _lastNavigationVec; } _lastNavigationVec = Vector2.ClampMagnitude(goalPos - pos, PathLeadRadius) / PathLeadRadius; #if UNITY_EDITOR Debug.DrawLine(Utils2D.V2toV3(pos, -0.5f), Utils2D.V2toV3(pos + _lastNavigationVec, -0.5f), new Color(1, 1f, 0f, 1f), 1 / 30f); #endif return _lastNavigationVec; } public virtual void OnPathComplete(Path p) { if (Path != null) { Path.Release(this); Tracer.Clear(); } Path = null; if (!isActiveAndEnabled) return; if (p.error || p.vectorPath.Count <= 0) return; if (!(p is ABPath)) { GameLog.Errorf("Path incorrect type (not ABPath): {0}", p.GetType()); return; } ABPath abP = p as ABPath; Path = p; Path.Claim(this); Vector2 pos = Character.Position; // If only one point, add current pos as start if (p.vectorPath != null && p.vectorPath.Count == 1) p.vectorPath.Insert(0, pos); var parts = Funnel.SplitIntoParts(Path); Tracer.SetPath(parts, abP.path, abP.originalStartPoint, abP.originalEndPoint, MovementPlane, Path.traversalProvider, Path); ListPool.Release(ref parts); } public virtual void ClearPath() { if (Path != null) Path.Release(this); Path = null; Tracer.Clear(); if (Seeker) Seeker.CancelCurrentPathRequest(); } public override void OnEnable() { base.OnEnable(); Tracer = new PathTracer(Allocator.Persistent); LastPathTime = Time.time - (RepathInterval.Max + 1); } public override void OnDisable() { ClearPath(); Tracer.Dispose(); base.OnDisable(); } public virtual void OnDrawGizmos() { if (Path != null) { Gizmos.color =; var vecs = Path.vectorPath; if(vecs != null && vecs.Count >= 2) { for (int i = 1; i < vecs.Count; i++) Gizmos.DrawLine(vecs[i - 1], vecs[i]); } } Gizmos.color = Color.yellow; Gizmos.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position + Utils2D.V2toV3(_lastNavigationVec)); } }