Using UnitySerializer witn A*

I try to use UnitySerializer ( ) with A *. After deserializing an error:

IndexOutOfRangeException: Array index is out of range.
Pathfinding.Nodes.GridNode.Open (Pathfinding.NodeRunData nodeRunData, Pathfinding.NodeRun nodeR, Int3 targetPosition, Pathfinding.Path path) (at Assets/AstarPathfindingProject/Generators/NodeClasses/GridNode.cs:285)

If someone used UnitySerializer with A *, please tell us how to use them together.


The A* scripts themselves can be serialized quite easily using json. However the graph data, which is where you are getting the errors, is very hard to serialize directly.
For one, there are reference cycles in the data everywhere, which I am not sure how the serializer solves.
The other problem is that serializing the graph data using json would use enormous amounts of data and be quite slow. A 100*100 grid graph would use at least a few megabytes of data. Something like BSON might work, but I am not sure.
Also, the pathfinding scripts use multithreading and other complicated stuff, which I am not so sure how unityserializer handles (i.e threads need restarting and such).

Luckily for you, the A* Pathfinding Project has it’s own serialization (see docs on Saving and Loading Graphs). It can save all graph data compactly and load it with a simple API call. I am not sure how easy it is to use alongside unityserializer. But I hope you can find a way.