My issue is when I remove the target from the AIDestinationSetter field and add the new target the AI character won’t move after the first target.
Working with the Example15_2D scene I have added some UI to spawn my players or boardPiece. The boardPiece is a prefab created from the AI character from the example scene. I haven’t altered the components of the now AI prefab except for removing the target GameObject, that I deleted from the scene, from the AIDestinationSetter component.
I made the BoardPiece.cs to handle the turn based functions passing the target to the AIDestinationSetter.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Pathfinding {
public class BoardPiece : MonoBehaviour
public BoardPieceSO boardPieceSO;
public GameObject uICanvas;
public UIInput uIInput;
public bool active;
private Transform target;
AIDestinationSetter aIDestination;
void Start()
uICanvas = GameObject.Find("UIInput Canvas");
uIInput = uICanvas.GetComponent<UIInput>();
aIDestination = GetComponent<AIDestinationSetter>();
void Update()
if(uIInput.goTo && active == true){
target = uIInput.goTo.transform;
uIInput.goTo = null;
active = false;
if(uIInput.activeGoTo == true && target){ = target;
if (Vector2.Distance(transform.position, target.position) < 0.1f){
uIInput.activeGoTo = false;
target = null; = null;
void OnMouseDown()
active = true;
if(boardPieceSO.moveable == true)
I’m guessing I need to also call something to reset the Seeker or a setting on the AI Lerp component.
Do I need to change the repath rate “Infinity” to something?