The name 'Seeker' does not denote a valid type

Hi All,

for the past few days I have been trying to get this asset to work, but for some reason it hates me. I installed it, enabled it for Javascript and everything works… Until I try to get some code going…

I’m using Monodevelop and my first lines look like this:

import Pathfinding;

var targetPosition : Transform;
var seeker : Seeker;
var controller : CharacterController;
var path : Path;

It will not build. Everytime I get the error that Seeker and Path do not denote valid types. I have tried everything that is suggested on the internet: move my script into the Plugin dir, the pathfinding dir, reinstall Unity, reimport the package, disable javascript, enable javascript. I can’t get it to work! I am getting desperate here. Does anyone have a sollution or the name of a different asset that does not rely on C#?

Hm… I’m not really sure what to say… What ‘should’ work is to import the package, enable Javascript support in pathfinding settings, then create a javascript script somewhere in the project (outside the plugins directory though) which imports Pathfinding.

I’m actually having the same trouble. I have imported Pathfinding, but any references to “Seeker” fail, even though I have the Seeker script attached to the same GameObject as my actual AI/Pathfinding script.

Can anyone provide a quick example of getting A* running in JavaScript?


Hmmm I was finally able to get it to work by clearing out all AStar folders / plugins, re-importing and enabling JavaScript, then restarting Unity & MonoDevelop.

