Suggested values for AIPath

Assuming my enemies have a radius of 0.5 and player also has a radius of 0.5 (two capsules)
Defaults values don’t seem to work right. Enemy circles around player and sometimes stops.
Currently I have End Reached Distance set to 1.5 and it seems like it works sometimes.

If I check distance between player and enemy on path complete call back I will see a distance greater
than 1.5. For instance current “targetDist” reports 1.462624 but checking distance between player and enemy
it evaluates to 1.698757.

Any idea what could be happening?

End Reached Distance is a bad name for that variable I must say. In fact, it is a factor (should be between 0 and 1 to work best) of the Next Waypoint Distance. So a End Reached Distance of 0.5 and Next Waypoint Distance of 3 would yield a end reached distance in world units of 1.5 (3*0.5).